14 Ekim 2008 Salı


forgetfulness ..ohh it'S somewhat an unacceptable thing for us.because nobody expects us to forget for example a meaning of a word however it happens..and almost all of us is afraid of forgetting a word a grammar structure so on..
but think it from another perspective.forgetfulness is one of the most important fears that older ppl have.especially ppl in their 50's confuse trivial cases of forgetfulness with serious ones.almost all middle aged ppl think themselves as having a really serious amnesia.but mostly they're mistaken.there are strong advices to have a good memory and i want to share some ..

first of all we should exercise regularly.it sounds ridiculous i know.but the assistant profesor of hardvard medical school Dr. Aoron P.Nelson says that.he texplains that especially walking exercise affects the structuring process positively.

be careful about the pills that may affectsthe brain functions particularly the ones such as sleeping pills and antidepression pills.

have vitamins like E and C.and be sure of taking enough vitamin B and B12.

be socialized.because social interractions intensify mental health and helps to get over mental illnesses.

try to handle your stress .keep on learning new things and stay away from drinking alcohol.

the list goes on..

3 yorum:

hell in dedi ki...

thank you for your advices for not forgetting this 'cos really need them these days. since I came here I have forgotten things such as what I did b4 one hour or what I ate... so I hope your advices will be useful for me:):)

Fikret ARSLAN dedi ki...

Thanks for your sharing,this subject is very vital for me,for it is our genetical illness.My grandma suffered from alzheimer, form of forgettfulness.Dealing with this disease is very hard.Advanced form of it is awful,for instance;after awhile,it starts to capture your body,and you cannot do nothing to halt this.My grandma couldn't recognize my father or grandfather,it likes 'death in live'.Above all,there is no remedy for it.HOPE NOT TO CATCH AN ILNESS LIKE IT!!!

şule dedi ki...

thanks for your advice..and i read that if you load much information on your mind,after a while your forgetfulness is rising.because the mind may not carry all that information some times..
and we verify that knowledge again:making exercise is very useful:))