28 Ekim 2008 Salı


meet Stingray.he is a surfer.he likes big waves ,big and dangerous waves..

but waves like this can kill you.so why does he surfs?
what makes him look for danger?doesnt he feel fear?
Dr. Ralph is a psychologist .he studys ppl like Stingray.he says they do feel fear but they are different from other people .and what is different is the chemistry of their brains.
Dr. Ralph says the differences in their brains chemistry make them do crazy things.'they do feel frightened ,like most of us,' says the doctor.
all of our brains make an important chemical called dopamine.the difference between 'ordinary people' and these 'adventurers' is that they do not have much dopamine.they look for dangerous situations without thinking.but when they are in danger,they feel fear, just like everyone else.
'people like this need new and exciting situations all the time.',says Dr Stein.'they are usually friendly and confident , but they get bored easily.' and so like Stingray when they see an enormous wave,they do not try to get away from it like most of us do.they swim towards it..

sleep well..

many doctors say today that sleep can change our health.if we want our bodies to work well,we need sleep.if people dont have enough sleep they can suffer from depression as weel as illnesses such as heart disease.
the most abvious effect of not having enough sleep is to make us weaker and it makes it harder to fight illness;in other words ,people who do not sleep enough are more likely to get sick or ill.
many ppl have sleeping problems.studies in the USA have found that 60 percent of adults have problems sleeping alot of the time.more than 40 percent of adults say that they feel sleepy in the daytime and that this makes their lifes difficult.
20 percent say that they sometimes have problems sleeping.at least 40 million ppl in the USA suffer from sleeping problems that need treatment-because they sleep too much or too little but very few ppl actually go to doctor about their sleep problem.
so if you want to sleep well

-do not do exercise before you go to bed
-do not drinh alchol or drinks like coffee that have caffeine
-do try to relax
we hope this helps..
sleep well..

21 Ekim 2008 Salı


A Philippino Rudy Santos,he is 55 years old and he has been carrying his dead twin's body on his own body for 55 years!!
dead in her mother's stomach,Rudy'S twin brother's two arms and one leg are hanging on his body.For this reason everybody calls him 'Octopus Man' or 'Ahtopot Adam'.
this situation doesn't affect his health condition but it really messes up his life standart.neither can he move comfortably,nor put on dresses.
in the 70's and 80's ,because of his body's strangeness,he attended some sorts of tv shows and even made a radio program.but as the time passes he finds it more diffucult to live in this condition and he can not earn his living anymore.eventually he is now preparing for a fascinating surgery..it is said that it wont be an easy surgery but doctors will try to cut the dead twin's one leg from Rudy's body.
Rudy Santos is the oldest people in the world who carries his parasital brother on his body..what an interesting life..!

14 Ekim 2008 Salı


forgetfulness ..ohh it'S somewhat an unacceptable thing for us.because nobody expects us to forget for example a meaning of a word however it happens..and almost all of us is afraid of forgetting a word a grammar structure so on..
but think it from another perspective.forgetfulness is one of the most important fears that older ppl have.especially ppl in their 50's confuse trivial cases of forgetfulness with serious ones.almost all middle aged ppl think themselves as having a really serious amnesia.but mostly they're mistaken.there are strong advices to have a good memory and i want to share some ..

first of all we should exercise regularly.it sounds ridiculous i know.but the assistant profesor of hardvard medical school Dr. Aoron P.Nelson says that.he texplains that especially walking exercise affects the structuring process positively.

be careful about the pills that may affectsthe brain functions particularly the ones such as sleeping pills and antidepression pills.

have vitamins like E and C.and be sure of taking enough vitamin B and B12.

be socialized.because social interractions intensify mental health and helps to get over mental illnesses.

try to handle your stress .keep on learning new things and stay away from drinking alcohol.

the list goes on..

13 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi

did you know that?weird stuff :)

here i want to share some weird things i've seen on newspaper.

when ppl sneeze ,every life function including heart stops working..

ppl are born with 300 bones but when they become adult this number is decreasing to 206..

the most strong muscle in human body is tongue..

the human hair is flexible enough to lift 3 kilos..

women do blink twice as mush as men..

me myself and i

hey everyone.i'm hande demirel.i'm 18 years old thankfully..:)
my hometown is kütahya.i live there with my family consisting of five members..
i want to tell you 5 things you dont know about me if i can..

^^first of all i like music so much. it' a shame that i cant play any enstruments:)
^^i advice ppl to know me themselves.i really hate prejudice.and it is not rare i face prejudice.i dont know why but whatsoever..
^^i think myself as a helpful person.so if you need any help that i can do i'M always here.
^^i'm addicted to 'notebook'.it's a great film.
^^i've read some books from cecily von ziegar you know 'gossip girl' im so happy to see the senoria on tv