11 Ocak 2009 Pazar


Here i want to introduce one of the oldest sport games to you-lacrosse-.Lacrosse is a popular sport in Canada.It's one of the oldest organized sports in America.The Indians in northern New York State and southern Ontoria,Canada,invented it.They used it to train for war.They invented this game before Colombus arrived in the New World.
People play lacrosse outdoors.The lacrosse field is seventy meters long.At each end of the field there is a goal.The goal is a net.There are ten players on each team.Each player has a stick called a 'crosse' .The players hit the ball into the net as many times as possible.Lacrosse is a very fast game because the players can catch and pass the ball at a high speed with their sticks.
At once time lacrosse was the natioanl summer sport in Canada.It is also popular in British and Australia.

'SEN' or 'SİZ' ?

What do you call your parents?Mother?Father?Mum?Dad? or do you call them by their first names?These days,many young children call their parents,and their parents' friends,by their fisrt names.However ,in many countries this kind of familiriaty is very impolite,and as a result many of the older people become uncomfortable.
In some languages,such as French and Turkish ,there are two forms for the word 'you'.In Turkish, 'sen' is the informal form and 'siz' the formal.In French ,the familiar word is 'tu' and the more formal one is'vous'.In English ,there is only one from ,'you', altough a few hundred years ago there was also the formal expression 'thou'.
In Turkey and France ,the two forms of the word are part of everyday life.In both countries it is often unacceptable for an older person to be called by the word 'sen' or 'tu' when he is talking to a younger person,but the young people usually use the informal form when tey are talking to each other.In France, the change from 'vous' to 'tu' shows a change in the relationship.English speaking people-Australians,Anericans and the British- never have this difficulty because they don't have another choice:))

Seat Belts

Drivers or front seat passengers in most vehicles have to wear a seat belt.If you are 14 or over,it will be your responsibility to wear your belt.If you do not,you can be fined.The driver will not have to meka you wear your belt.But he will have to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in front of they are not wearing a seat belt.
A few vehicles have a middle front seat between the front passenger seat and the drive's seat :for example a bench seat.Your vehicle may be one of them.If just one passenger sits in the front ,he must wear a seat belt.But if two passenger sit in the front , the person sitting in the middle will not have to wear a belt.
You don't have to wear a seat belt on certain conditions.One of these is when you are backing your vehicle.Another is if you have a medical certificate.Certain people should not wear a seat belt because of their health.

Shopping Without CA$H

The time when the cashless society becomes reality is drawing nearer and nearer.Many methods are already being used in the trade world .EPOS(Electronic Point Of Sale),for example, is only a fisrt step of progress in electonic shopping.The customers sit at home surveying the merchandise on their television screens and ordering their requirements-and they have their funds automatically and invisibly transferred from their bank acount to that of the store.
Already ,shoping over the phone ,by quoting credit card numbers,has much the same effect.This plastic money,too,is advancing into an era of automatic debit and credit-soon those tedious waits during shopping .What the new technology can't yet do,though,is to check that the person presenting the card is in fact you!

Then & Now:MONEY

When you buy something these days,you have so many ways of paying for it.Just think of them!However,you may be suprised to learn that there have always been lots of methods of payment.In very ealy times ,people used to exchange one thing for another.This system of exchange was called 'barter' ,but there were lots of problems.Well ,how many heavy bags of rice would you give for a cow..?
The ancient Greeks solved these problems .In the 7th century B.C. they introduced coins made of fixed amounts of gold and silver .Business became much easier,because people could now exchange money for the things they required.
Coins last a long time ,but they are heavy and so eventually,governments solved the problem by introducing banknotes.So cash became easier and lighter to carry.

Nowadays,of course,more and more people are paying for things with cheques and credit cards instead of in cash.What about you?

Effects of Cigarette Smoking

There are three harmful substances in cigarettes:tar,carbon monoxide and nicotine.Cigarette smokers who inhale the smoke,or breathe it in,can develop lun cancer.Other smokers who only take the smoke into their mouths can suffer from throat,tongue and larynxcancers.The sustance which causes cancer is the tar in cigarettes.Cigarette manufacturers have tried to develop low tar brands of cigarettes to reduce the dangers.Certain forms of filters in addition to the cigarette's own filter can also help.However ,nothing can completely eliminate the tar without changing the taste of cigarette completely.
The effects of carbon monoxide are perhaps more serious because they can cause permanent damage on tohers besides the smokers themselves.Increased carbon monoxide intake automatically means reduced oxygen intake,and cansequently a lower oxygen content in the blood and the brain.An oxygen-straved brain begins to die.
It's true that cigarette smokers need cigarettes.Of course they do not actively choose to harm themselves and others,but they are forced to do so because of their dependence on the strong and fast-acting stimulant called nicotine.In other words,they can'do without it.People who smoke frequently claim that smoking makes them feel calmand sooths their nerves,but this is a pyschological consequence of satisfying a need because cigarettes,like coffee and tea,are arousing agents and they make people more nervous ,no less.

tomorrow's cars

What kind of cars will we be driving in the year 2030?Rather different ones from thıse that w know today.The next twenty years will bringgreater change incar models than the past fifty years.Tomorrow's cars will not ook like those of today.The most important cause taht will lead to a change in the desing not to cause air pollution.They will be electrically powered;in other words,they will run on electricity entirely and therefore,be enviromentally clean.There are already some cars of that kind but their use in daily life is very limited though.
Besides the problem of pullution ,there is also the problem of heavy traffic and traffic accidents today.The last two may also be avoided if computers drive the cars instead of drivers.As a passenger,all you will have to do will be to get in the car and say where you want to go.The computer will do the rest and take you there.This ,however, will require the construction of special intelligent raods ,as tomorrow's models won't be able to move on ordinary roads.These roads will contain special strips that can supply electrical power to the vehicles as they drive along them.The special equipment in cars will pick up the necessary fuel during long journeys from a power source which will exist in the road.As computers -not drivers- will provide safe driving,there will be fewer accidents;or maybe,there won't be any accidents.

electricity is everywhere

Our homes are full of devices-machines-that run on electricity,but we don't use elctricity in our homes only.We need it in schools,hospitals,banks,factories,etc...Electricity brings us health and comfort.For example at home we use it for heating electric fires ,irons and toasters.

We also use electricity to produce shaft power,i.e.,power that we use to run electric motors.For example,washing machines,refrigerators and mixers use this kind of power.Also vehicles such as subway trains,trolley buses and electric locomotives have motors that run on electricity.

There are also some vert special lamps that produce ultraviolet rays and infrared rays.We use both rays in medical treatments.One of the most valuable an dimportant uses of electicity is in producing X-rays.When we look at an X-rayiwe can see the indise of the human body,and in this way physicians,or doctors,can give a more accurate ;that is,correct,diagnosis of an illness.In other words,when a doctor loks at an X-ray he can tell you what kind of an illness you have.

As you can see,when we think about using electricity we can find so many things to be grateful to Benjamin Franklin:)