23 Kasım 2008 Pazar


Olgun was newly graduated from high school.he was so smart and intellectual that almost all elite universities would accept him.but he was the only male member of the family after his dads passing away.as a result he had to take care of the farmland which was inherited from his dad.it was late at night.he was thinking.in one hand there were his six baby sisters and his unfortunate mum and in the other hand there was his apparent brilliant future and education.with these troubling and intricate thoughts he jumped out of his bed and went to the veranda of the farmhouse..his aim in going to the college was to be useful to the public so he would be best beneficial to the society by helping his own family he decided to stay home and handle the farm issues.

hitchiking in METU

it was my first experience of hitchhiking in METU.i and my friends Elif,Nihan,Samet were heading for the ring bus stop and we all were so tired after a EDS200 lesson of 3 hours.at that time ,getting on a very crowded ring and standing hardly on it under the risk of losing your balance seemed very odd .we decided to hitchhike.elif is experienced on this issue and when she raises her hand ,drivers suddenly stop.she raised her hand again and a nice car stoped and the driver let us in it.it felt so right because we were just sitting and were at Çarsi in five minutes.now,i can say that hitchiking on Metu is really safe.it was a nice experience.

16 Kasım 2008 Pazar


New York City (NYC) is home to pretty much the most diverse population in the world. The city boasts the rich and famous as its inhabitants, as well as businesspeople, students, and immigrants from all over the world. It has been the chosen destination for waves of Dutch, British, African American, Irish, German, Italian, Jewish, Eastern European, Chinese, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Mexican, Korean, African, and Arab migrants over the past couple of centuries. It is a multicultural city, a multiethnic city, a multilingual city, and a multi-religious city. City Hall employs translators for 180 languages.

the most loneliest morning

i woke up with my mum's lovely voice asking for me to come to the breakfast table.as usual,i was the last to wake up in the house,and all of them waited for me to do so.i persuaded my feet to get out of my bed .it was some kind of challange for me to leave that warmish bed ,so for my feet.i looked at the window and saw the white beauty falling from the blue sky.i could feel the bitter cold outside but i felt lucky to be in a house with a good heater anyway .meanwhile mum was getting angry.i took the baby steps through the ledder downstairs and reached the table,said good morning to dad ,my sisters and mum.it was an ordinary morning for me until i came here.now i wake up with the cold sound of my alarm clock not the lovely voice.no table for me.no people waiting for me to wake up.i didnt want to look at the window.it doesnt matter whether it rains or it shines because i am freezing all the time.i am still indoors with a good heater.so where is the sense in that?i can see now that i was lucky and i was warm not beacuse of the good heater but because of my family those people whom i would give my all without hesitation.and as soon as i am home i will woke up at six in the morning and set the table for them.i am missing them..

4 Kasım 2008 Salı

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This is also one of the great works of Julian Beever.

when you look at the photo you realize that there is something wrong.things look as if they were up side down.we see people looking through a hole which is digged by the firemen.people look curious about what is happening .and one of the firemen is going through the hole by hanging on a red thread.he is wearing a pants as black as a night and he wears a yellow coat .the coat is shining like sun and distracting your eyes.from the hole you can see a blue sky.there are lots of people waiting excitedly.

description photo 1

Julia Beever is an artisan famous for his paintings on pavements called 'anamorphose'.Anamorphose pictures looks like an excellent 3D picture when looked from a specific angle.

In this photo there is a little pool.the pool is like a box full of ice cubes.the water looks as clean as the water of deep blue seas.the water is looks wavy and this impression is given by the movement of the man's foot touching it.there is a ball .the ball is like a rainbow ,colorful.there is a life buoy coloured white and red.and there is a tiny duck swimming on the surface.there is a bottle of coke near the pool.and there is a glass of cocktail next to the coke.they look like real beverages.and the girl..the girl wears a red bikini.her one leg is high above the water and she looks very happy and enjoying.she is smiling and holding a glass of fruit juice.the artisan himself stands near the picture giving the imperssion that he is actually touching it.i hope you like the picture but now i will let you see the trick behing the anamorphose..:)

chocolate in books and films

Chocolate has been the center of several successful book and film adaptations. In 1964, Roald Dahl published a children's novel titled Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The novel centers around a poor boy named Charlie Bucket who takes a tour through the greatest chocolate factory in the world, owned by Willy Wonka. Two film adaptations of the novel were produced. The first was Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, a 1971 film which later became a cult classic. Thirty-four years later, a second film adaptation was produced, titled Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The 2005 film was very well received by critics and was one of the highest grossing films of its year, earning over US$470,000,000 worldwide.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was also recognized at the 78th Academy Awards, where it was nominated for Best Costume Design for Gabriella Pesucci,Chocolat is a 1999 novel by Joanne Harris. It tells the story of Vianne Rocher, a young mother, whose confections change the lives of the townspeople through magic. The 2000 film adaptation, Chocolat, also proved successful, grossing over US$150,000,000 worldwide, and receiving Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations for Best Picture, Best Actress, and Best Original Score.


The Golden Retriever is a well-balanced, symmetrical dog with an active, powerful appearance. They possess an alert, self-confident demeanor and a friendly, intelligent expression. The breed’s body is short coupled and the chest is wide and well-developed. Their neck is comparatively long, and it merges gradually into their well laid-back shoulders. Their back is strong and level from the withers and it slopes gently at the croup. They have long, well-sprung ribs that extend towards the hindquarters and a short, muscular loin with very little tuck up. Their long tail is thick at its muscular base, and it is never curled or carried between the dog’s legs. The limbs are straight and well-boned, and the pasterns are short, strong, and slightly sloping. Their compact feet are medium-sized, round, and thickly padded. They have a broad, slightly arched skull and a well-defined stop. The muzzle is straight, wide, and tapered, and it blends smoothly into the dog’s skull. The eyes of the Golden Retriever are relatively large-sized and brown in color, and the ears are medium-sized and pendant. They have a dark nose and their teeth close in a scissors bite. The breed’s medium length coat is dense, water-repellent, and feathered. Coat colors for this breed include a variety of rich, lustrous golden shades.